Visual Management Systems

A lot happens each day on a manufacturing production floor, and it can be challenging to keep track of it all. Organizations that don’t use Visual Management Systems often experience low productivity and process efficiency as employees struggle to navigate complex operations. 

Disorganization: Without visual cues, tools, materials, and workspaces can become cluttered and disorganized, leading to inefficiencies and wasted time.

Communication Breakdowns: In the absence of visual communication tools, information fails to reach employees in a timely and effective manner, leading to misunderstandings and errors

Safety Hazards: Without visual indicators, safety hazards may go unnoticed, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries on the factory floor.

Lack of Accountability: Without visual performance metrics, employees may lack clarity on their goals and performance expectations, leading to decreased accountability and engagement.

Missed Opportunities: Without visual signals for performance and process status, companies may miss out on opportunities for improvement and optimization.

Visual Management provides a systematic approach to using visual cues, indicators, and tools to enhance communication, improve workflow and organization, and elevate performance in manufacturing operations.

Examples of Visual Management Systems include:

Andon Systems: Visual alerts that signal production issues or abnormalities, often using lights or displays

Kanban Boards: Visual boards that track work progress, inventory levels, and production status using cards or magnets

Floor Markings: Colour-coded markings on the floor indicating designated work areas, traffic lanes, and safety zone

5S Shadow Boards: Boards with outlines or shadows indicating where tools and equipment should be stored, promoting organization and cleanliness

Safety Signs and Labels: Visual signs and labels indicating hazards, safety procedures, and emergency exits

Production Scoreboards: Visual displays showing real-time production metrics such as production rates, downtime, and quality performance

Visual Work Instructions: Step-by-step work instructions with diagrams or images to guide employees through tasks and processes

Production Gantt Charts: Visual timelines showing the sequence and duration of production tasks and activities

Visual Machine Status Displays: Displays or indicators on machines showing their operational status, maintenance needs, and performance metrics

Visual Inventory Management Systems: Kanban cards, bins, or shelves used to signal replenishment needs and manage inventory levels visually

Problem-Solving Boards: Visual boards for tracking and documenting problem-solving activities, such as A3 reports, Fishbone Diagrams, and the 5 Why’s

Production Run Charts: Visual charts showing the performance of production runs over time, used for trend analysis and performance tracking

Ready to See your Process?

Empower your team and enhance your performance with Visual Management Systems.

Inject some productivity and efficiency into your processes, book a free Discovery Call today.