The 8 Deadly Wastes
Process Waste is defined as any process step or action that does not add value to the customer of the process. By eliminating process waste, only process steps that add value to the Customer remain. Lean Process Improvement is about streamlining processes, reducing...
The Art of Sustaining Lean Transformations
Embarking on a Lean Transformation journey is a commendable feat, but the true measure of success lies in sustaining those improvements over the long term. In this blog post, we'll explore 15 key strategies to ensure the longevity and continuous success of Lean...
Small Businesses, Big Problems
For small businesses, the path to success is often marked by a series of challenges that demand innovative solutions. From the confusion of undefined processes to the complexities of rapid growth, each hurdle provides an opportunity for growth and improvement. This...
Start Your Engines: The Chaos Racing Experience
In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, where every second counts, the journey toward operational excellence often begins with a single step. Enter Chaos Racing, a dynamic Lean Lego simulation meticulously crafted by Engineering Possibilities. This unique workshop...
The Magic of the Merlin Method
The pursuit of operational excellence is an ongoing journey. Amidst various methodologies, the Merlin Method is a powerful approach for lean process transformation, providing a roadmap for manufacturing plants to achieve efficiency, minimize waste, and drive...
Seizing Success: The Power of Lean Assessments
Embarking on a Lean Transformation journey is a strategic decision for any manufacturing operation aspiring to achieve operational excellence. At the foundation of this transformative endeavor is the invaluable opportunity of conducting a Lean Assessment. In this blog...
What the Heck is Poka Yoke?
Creative Lean solutions for process problems often arise in the implementation stage of Lean Transformation initiatives. One such game-changer lean tool is called Poka Yoke, a Japanese term that translates to "mistake-proofing." This philosophy aims to revolutionize...
Standard Work: The Cornerstone Tool of Lean Transformation
In manufacturing, the pursuit of operational excellence hinges on the establishment and adherence to Standard Work – a set of documented, best-practice procedures designed to optimize processes. As manufacturing plants begin their Lean transformation journey, the...
What Gets Measured Gets Improved
For successful Lean Transformations, the role of measurement systems is critical. Measurement systems act as the compass, guiding organizations and helping them navigate their journey to operational excellence. As Peter Drucker famously said, "What gets measured gets...
Brewing Success: Tackling the Top 10 Challenges in Brewery Operations
In the world of craft beer, the journey to producing the perfect brew is not without its share of operational challenges. These challenges, ranging from batch processing to supply chain issues and rapid growth, can significantly impact a brewery's efficiency and...